Seth Messenger : Jacques Attali's quotes

Jacques Attali said :

(Automatic translation)
Jacques Attali
Well merchant trades could be gradually replaced by free and volunteers, activities which could reduce the need to have an income to qualify.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

The power and wealth of each individual confined not its material resources and its means of production. Each is before rich crazy of his health, to his knowledge, relationships with others.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

Theologians teach not how to think, but only the result of their own reflections.

Jacques Attali
(La Confrérie des éveillés)

There is no freedom without risk, without ignorance, without adventure.

Jacques Attali
( - Janvier 2007)

Nothing is more urgent than to love.

Jacques Attali

It is advantageous to the happiness of others, we got interest that others are sick we have interest in the success of others because we are a collective team.

Jacques Attali
(Source inconnue)

The major problem, tomorrow, will be to learn to manage the dimension of the problems.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Nothing, fortunately, is less predictable than democracy.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

It is up to everyone to focus on the right to dignity rather than the right to be the strongest.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Anyone who has tried one day to enter Internet knows that there be no talk of "highways" information but rather of mazes.

Jacques Attali
(Le Monde - 9 Novembre 1995)

Utopia is the name given to reforms when it takes revolutions to undertake them.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The time is the more rare because it's the only one although we cannot produce, nor give, Exchange, or sell.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

Commodification winning everything, down to the man himself, the world will become a fair traveled from rival gangs.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

All that is still beautiful at thirty is sad to fifty and grotesque to sixty.

Jacques Attali

Right to a spark of eternity, to have loved.

Jacques Attali

Fame is a curse that all men want to be victims.

Jacques Attali

Lucidity is nothing else than an intoxication of power.

Jacques Attali

No one, or almost, don't think that vote can significantly change its condition, let alone the world.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

The survival of the language through the culture that it conveys.

Jacques Attali
(La voie humaine)

No one, or almost, believes that change the lives of others is important to us.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

The essentials are all the goods necessary for each person to be able to freely choose his time, to have access to a good time.

Jacques Attali
(La Voie humaine)

Democracy in the West is no longer, for many, the big deal that so many generations fought.

Jacques Attali
(La voie humaine)

We don't want to ever that what another wants.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The Earth is a living object traveled more and more nomadic.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The disorder is the natural state of the world, the organized form is the exception.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Only the future gives meaning to the past.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The Stagecoach became automobile, the wash became machine washing, the storyteller became television.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Contemplate his library is dreaming that cannot die before I read all the books that fill her up.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

There is no wealth without creativity, or creativity without democracy.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Never a democracy has so far the war to democracy.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The creation is the only reasonable alternative to violence.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The media serve as amplifiers of threats.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The right to have fun, the freedom to consume eventually threaten with death the most promising companies.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The creation will soon appear as a socially necessary activity, useful work and no longer a hobby.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Tokyo, for lack of space, has been able to master the miniaturization techniques.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The drug is the nomadism of the excluded.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

The lessons of history teach that the Summit is the closest point of the precipice.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Trust must be a human right.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

A speech is admissible as soon as intant it produces a sense of the world for those who stated.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes)

Being dead, is - it start paying attention to the grief of others?

Jacques Attali
(Le premier jour après moi)

If there is a flat universal, is not the Burger but well the pizza, because it is limited to a common base - dough - where everyone can have, arrange and express its difference.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

For many people, the freedom of others is the enemy of survival.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Usage is more than the display of the speed of the Exchange.

Jacques Attali

Have power, it's to control the time of others his own, time of the present and of the future, the past tense and myths.

Jacques Attali
(Source inconnue)

The background music is not innocent. It isn't just a way to dominate the distressing sounds of work. It can be the announcement of the general silence of men.

Jacques Attali

Directly crossed by the desires and impulses, the music never had different topic than the body.

Jacques Attali

The stars have always idealized their public age.

Jacques Attali

What changes the least in humans, these are the questions that it lands on himself.

Jacques Attali
(Au propre et au figuré)

If I have a car, I better that to anyone, to avoid traffic jams. But if I have a phone, and that no one else has, then this phone useless me.

Jacques Attali
(Source inconnue)

It's easier to have each its God, it allows to be God himself.

Jacques Attali
(France Culture - 1994)

You cannot designate the top of a pyramid without locating his base.

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

For all, there will be creating an ambition of the invention a requirement of the new a necessity!

Jacques Attali
(Lignes d'horizon)

Hatred comes from the resemblance.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

We can't compel anyone to be fraternal.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The currency is a parasite in the functioning of the market economy. A parasite is dangerous, to domesticate, because we can't eliminate it.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes)

Hell maybe this is: go only after yourself and get caught by propellers more faster, at the heart of his own misery.

Jacques Attali
(Le Premier Jour après moi)

The nomad does not start if it doesn't have a promised land that dream.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The word is the first demonstration of the need for the other.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

What is called the crisis is that the long and difficult rewriting that separates two provisional forms of the world.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

Why punish the valet for the crime of the master?

Jacques Attali
(La Vie éternelle)

There is not in the utopia of the "great men" roomfor, except for scientists, only allowed to do something new.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

If one delights in the happiness of others, it is primarily because the other is necessary for his own happiness.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Today America thinks itself as a place where Europeans can take refuge and find freedom.

Jacques Attali

Sometimes, there is more greatness to wait that the flow takes you to struggle against the current.

Jacques Attali
(La Vie éternelle)

There is nothing more urgent that learning patience, the pleasure of getting lost, cunning and the detour, dance and the game, to be able to shape his life as a wry artwork.

Jacques Attali
(Les Chemins de la sagesse)

The world will never be only a contradictory mixture of good and evil, and he will never resemble some ideal society either.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Eternity, equality and freedom are rights, the brotherhood is a moral obligation.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

No one believes that we could ever clone self-awareness, only part of the person who will remain deadly.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

When an institution starts, those who wonder what they can do for her; and what it can do for them.

Jacques Attali

At every actor involved in the Affairs of the world, events are only a succession of shocks, of emotions, whims of often improbable coincidences.

Jacques Attali
(Verbatim III (1988-1991))

Utopia is the will to shape the image of the company from an ethical ideal, a certain conception of justice, happiness, efficiency, responsibility.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

It is desire that in jealousy.

Jacques Attali
(Les trois mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

The fraternity is to find pleasure to the happiness of all who lived, lives or lived. A universal altruism that caters to the other and to all the others.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

As in the days of the oldest, naming it is recognized, it is do exist, is eternal.

Jacques Attali
(Verbatim III (1988-1991))

Anyone who is someday the target of a rumor then becomes vulnerable to all the others.

Jacques Attali

The righteous die despite their accuracy, the bad guys survive despite their wickedness.

Jacques Attali
(La vie éternelle)

The city is the only one able to rejuvenate really living.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The wisdom of the future, one that will prevent the suicide of humanity, will no longer save time but to fill it, to live, to take any action.

Jacques Attali
(Les chemins de la sagesse)

In a world where information is a weapon and where it is even the code of life, the rumor is like a virus, the worst of all because it destroyed the immune defences of his victim.

Jacques Attali

No adult has never understood that, for the child, loneliness is worse than the pain.

Jacques Attali
(La Vie éternelle)

The trafficking of influences is the daily bread of power.

Jacques Attali
(Verbatim III (1988-1991))

Me, everything, everywhere, immediately. -Such is the art of the time.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

What is called history is that a novel tirelessly rewrote.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

The market penalizes poor minorities, while democracy penalizes rich minorities.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

You can force someone to do something, we can't force him to find happiness.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Any death is the first.

Jacques Attali
(La vie éternelle)

A theory is true if she is enoncable according to the rules of formal logic, and its consequences are verifiable by any observer.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

No civilization is sustainable if it is not able to make sense of the effort, to justify the passage of time.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

At best, everyone in Europe (s), wishes to join the new world; at worst, follow the adventures on television.

Jacques Attali

The woman is the first maze of humans.

Jacques Attali
(Les chemins de la sagesse)

If you did, you gave happiness or hope, he will definitely find someone, on the day of your death, you close your eyes, someone to gather your friends, organize a vigil and surround you with your fondest memories.

Jacques Attali
(Le Premier Jour après moi)

Does it still today a place for utopias after so and so many crimes perpetrated in their name?

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

A company is defined by the language that the structure and who gives meaning to the information we exchange.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

To protect a sword, to a shield. But building a shield against nuclear weapons has proved impossible so far.

Jacques Attali
(Economie de l'apocalypse)

There is probably no hope for the future.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Naming is the most obvious and the most futile powers, one that fascinates most, which fuels most of lusts, who occupy the most conversations and mobilizes as the spirits of all those who are involved in public affairs.

Jacques Attali
(Verbatim III (1988-1991))

The world is not relatable to a unique speech: the Universal is not law; harmony is not the rule.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

Are men able to let others be happy?

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

It's worse enemy than the obligor who is quick to quarrel with those who helped him to prove to himself that the other has been for nothing.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The story is written and is rewritten as a book. It is made of memory and intuition.

Jacques Attali
(Les trois mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

The policy is on the economy if it does not do.

Jacques Attali
(Les trois mondes (pour une théorie de l'après-crise))

The nine arouses the wrath of habits.

Jacques Attali
(Le Premier Jour après moi)

Utopia is always a matter of dawn, of early or awake dreamers.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

And if the death was only an infinite repetition of the first day?

Jacques Attali
(Le premier jour après moi)

Freedom and equality are utopian ideals of scarcity; Eternity and fraternity are utopian ideals of abundance.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Forgive, pardon is an act of faith and of hope, a bet on repentance and so on the progress of man.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Any order that eliminates language aesthetics and seduction as Word inevitably involves the dictatorship.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes)

Selfishness of claim to live for others: no one is need that we live for him.

Jacques Attali
(Le Premier Jour après moi)

Modern history has shown that utopia is the mother of all dictatorships.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Politics, even the most generous, is not a matter of good feelings.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The other is the only way to be certain of his own existence.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

To promise eternity, religions restrict freedoms.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The feeling is that the pen-holder of something that goes beyond any creator a.

Jacques Attali
(Source inconnue)

Remove the quotes of quotes: an elegant way to recycle used ideas.

Jacques Attali
(Source inconnue)

The time is singular that he can listen.

Jacques Attali
(Le Nouvel Observateur)

The Internet is a threat to those who know and decide. Because it gives access to knowledge other than by the hierarchical curriculum.

Jacques Attali
(Libération - 5 Mai 2000)

The human tragedy, it's that when he can do something, it always ends up doing.

Jacques Attali
(M&F - Avril 2000)

Some fortunes are more than on the gold rush. But that doesn't prove that there is no gold.

Jacques Attali
(Libération - 5 Mai 2000)

Our time is no more music. She camouflaged by noise the solitude of men giving them to hear what she thinks of the music.

Jacques Attali
(Le Bonheur, la vie, la mort, Dieu...)

If the market takes precedence over democracy, it will guide science in directions that threaten humanity.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

The celebrity will continue to be a way to hope last in the memory of the others and get by here a plot to immortality.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Should never let him live too long a flowchart.

Jacques Attali

The presence of others is the creator of violence. Because the others are at least two: one becomes rival, the other the object of rivalry.

Jacques Attali
(Les Trois Mondes)

At any level, anywhere in the world, those who call themselves powerful spend considerable time trying to pretend that they have influence over appointments to attract attention, favors, other powerful considerations on them.

Jacques Attali
(Verbatim III (1988-1991))

Does settle for the world as it is and the history as it comes?

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

In almost all of the founding myths, nobody worst enemy that his brother, if not his father who, fearing an alliance of the brothers against him, sometimes takes the lead and kill them.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

A society is dying when men forget is to be wary of their brothers.

Jacques Attali
(Fraternités - Une nouvelle utopie)

Want to know more about Jacques Attali ? Then you should probably take a look over here..
The content of this page was last u p d a t ed on Saturday January 7, 2023.
It was then 18:09:48 (Paris time, France, planet Earth - Known Universe).
mandarin : 你的预感 | french : Mon Ange | english : My angel | mandarin : 拉兰德 | spanish : Una corazonada de ti | german : Neuigkeiten hinter der Scheibe. | english : To the wrath of the righteous | french : Une intuition de toi | french : Qui est Seth Messenger ? | mandarin : 正义的愤怒 | english : You would like to read more? | french : Mon nom est Pierre | french : Patience | english : A hunch of you | english : The Wait | german : Wer ist Seth Messenger? | german : Mein Engel | english : New beginning | german : Die Lande | spanish : Mi nombre es Peter | german : Auf die Wut des Gerechten | spanish : La Lande | french : Aux colères du juste | spanish : ¿Quién es Seth Messenger? | english : My name is Pierre | mandarin : 来自玻璃后面的消息 | spanish : Va a pasar cerca de ti. | french : Ca arrivera près de chez vous | spanish : Nuevo comienzo | german : Neuer Anfang | english : Who is Seth Messenger? | mandarin : 耐心 | english : The Moor | german : Geduld | spanish : Paciencia | english : It's going to happen near you | mandarin : 我的天使 | french : La Lande | spanish : A la ira de los justos | mandarin : 我叫彼得 | spanish : Noticias desde detrás del cristal | english : News from behind the glass | mandarin : 你想多读些吗? | german : Mein Name ist Pierre. | german : Möchten Sie mehr lesen? | french : Nouveau départ | spanish : Mi ángel | french : Vous aimeriez en lire d'avantage ? | german : Es wird in Ihrer Nähe passieren. | mandarin : 赛斯信使是谁? | french : Des nouvelles de derrière la vitre | spanish : ¿Le gustaría leer más? | german : Eine Ahnung von dir | mandarin : 它会发生在你附近。 | mandarin : 新开始 |

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