Seth Messenger : Jean-Jacques Rousseau's quotes

Jean-Jacques Rousseau said :

(Automatic translation)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I hope didn't like any of those that exist.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The faith of many men is a matter of geography.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

Everything flows in Paris.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

The hand and the sword cannot be handled by the same hands.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

The first acts of virtue are always the most difficult.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse)

Such believes to be a good family man, and is just a thrifty watchful.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou la nouvelle Héloïse)

There are of noisy as crazy; wise women do point sensation.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile, V)

The novels confuse heads.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse)

Using their former slaves to submit new, they wanted to subjugate and enslave their neighbors.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes)

Such philosopher like the Tatars, to be taught to love his neighbors

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou De l'éducation)

Making me immune to adversity they did me more good than if they had spared me its violations.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

It is easy to see that the morale of love is a fake feeling; born of the use of the company.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes, 1755)

I understand today how I was stupid enough to answer him and angry, instead of him laugh in your face for any response.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Confessions)

Ah! dignity, pride's daughter and mother of boredom.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à M. d'Alembert)

Never we love that we put out to nurse like that fed under his eyes.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

I know and I feel that doing good is the true happiness that the human heart can taste.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

I need to collect me to love.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

The child needs less care of a mother as her breast?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The child should love its mother before I knew that he must.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Happiness has no sign outside; to know your name, it should read in the heart of the happy man.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

A stupid body weakens the soul.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

So we want to everything, we cling to everything.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

There is no real action without will.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

It's the influx of guests who destroyed the hospitality.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

A hungry love point sermons feeds.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse)

The reason, judgment, come slowly, prejudices flocked in droves.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

I note, for the other life, my conduct in this one.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l'éducation)

Human souls want to be mated to be worth their price.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse)

Smell is the sense of imagination.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Woman farting is not dead.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

This isn't only money that need the misfortunes.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse)

How many apparent virtues often hide the real vices! The sage is sober by temperance, the Rascal is by falsehood.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à M. d'Alembert)

I call positive education which tends to train the mind before the age, and give the child the knowledge of the duties of man.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à Mgr de Beaumont)

The heart grew more willing to tender to headaches came to real headaches.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à M. d'Alembert)

How much deserves scorn and hate every man who abuses, for the misfortune of mankind, the genius and talent that gave him the nature!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à M. d'Alembert)

Childhood has ways of seeing, of thinking, feeling unique; nothing is less sensible to is wanting to replace ours.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The citizens of the same State, the inhabitants of a city cannot live still alone and separated.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

There is point happiness without courage, nor virtue without combat.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou De l’éducation)

It is the imagination that extends to us the extent of the possible, and nurtures the desires by the hope to meet.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

We don't laugh for laugh but to be applauded.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

The source of true happiness is in us, and it doesn't matter how men make really miserable who know wanting to be happy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Contentment in the eyes, in maintaining, in the focus of the approach, and seems to communicate to one who sees her.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du Promeneur solitaire)

Happiness is a permanent condition that seems not done here on Earth for humans.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

If never vanity made some happy on Earth, for sure that happy was just a fool.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Excess wine degrades human, alienates at least his reason for a time, and it what's wrong with in the long run. But the taste of the wine is not a crime; he rarely actually commit; He makes stupid and not not mean man.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

One of the proofs that the taste of the meat is not natural to the man's indifference that children have for this dish here and the preference they give all plant foods, such as the dairy, bakery, fruit, etc.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

It is against the natural order that governs the many and small to be governed.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The soul of the greedy is all in his palace.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

General and abstract ideas are the source of the biggest mistakes of men.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

I do not know how to live, who wants to help to die.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

There is no point naturally for humans to doctor safer than his own appetite.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The impulse of the only appetite is slavery, obedience to the law that it is prescribed to is freedom.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

Self-esteem is the biggest motive for the proud souls.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

The conscience is the voice of the soul, the passions are the voice of the body.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Heads forming on languages, thoughts take the shade of idioms, the spirit, in each language, has its particular shape.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Consciousness! Consciousness! Instinct divine, immortal and celestial voice; Guide guaranteed to a being ignorant and narrow-minded, but intelligent and free; infallible judge of good and evil, which makes God-like man.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Compassion is a natural feeling that moderating activity of self-love, in every individual contributes to the mutual conservation of all species.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Civil man wants others to be happy with him, solitaire is forced to be himself or his life is unbearable.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

O virtue, sublime science of simple souls, does take so many penalties and devices to get to know you?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

You will never be wise if you don't first of pranks.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Men are point made to be crammed in ANTHILLS but scattered on the land they cultivate. More they gather, more they corrupt. Cities are the abyss of the human species.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

We have everything with money, apart from hearts and good citizens.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

This isn't what is criminal which costs the most to say it's ridiculous and shameful.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Confessions)

Happiness is a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Make your own good with the lesser evil of others that it is possible.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'inégalité)

The land of chimeras is, in this world, the only worthy of being inhabited.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Do you know what is the safest way to make your miserable child? Is used it to obtain everything.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Devoured the need to love without him having ever meeting, I saw myself reach at the gates of old age, and die without having lived.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

In love, a favor that is not exclusive is an insult.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Alike in all capitals; All Nations interfere, all manners to confuse there; is not there to attend the nations.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Astronomy is born of superstition; the eloquence of ambition, hate, flattery, lying; the geometry of avarice; the physics of a vain curiosity; all and morality even, pride human.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur les sciences et les arts)

The modesty is nothing, it is just an invention of social laws covered the rights of fathers and spouses and maintain some order in families.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

We do more ask a man if he has any integrity, but if he has talent.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Wild women have no modesty, because they are naked. I answer that ours have even less: because they dress.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Who of you has not regretted this age where laughter is always on the lips.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Every man wants to be happy; but to achieve be, should begin by knowing what it is that happiness.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

No one wants the public good when it agrees with his.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à Mgr de Beaumont)

Acts of conscience are not judgments but feelings.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The first who had enclosed a ground bethought to say: this is mine, and found people simple enough to believe, was the real founder of the civil society.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Since the world exists you never saw two white-haired lovers sigh for the other.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Be sure that you reprocherait me less paradoxes, if one could blame me for errors.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

People, know then once Nature intended preserve you of Science, as a father out a dangerous weapon from the hands of her child.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

To be something, to be oneself and always one, act as we speak: it must be always decided on the party to take, take it highly and always follow.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

A persecuted innocent takes a long time for a pure love of justice the pride of his small individual.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Why would I be Cato, who rips his guts rather than triumphant Caesar?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

You give strength to the words, and that you give to things.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Figurative language was the first to be born, literally was found last.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Ignorance never did wrong; the only error is fatal; We lost point because we don't know, but because we think we know.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Rich or poor, powerful or weak, all idle citizen is a Rascal.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Suffer, die, or healed; but especially live up to your last hour.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Fashion dominates the provincial, but the Parisian dominate fashion.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

The most unfortunate effect of politeness to use is to teach the art to the virtues that it imitates.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

If we could extend the happiness of love in marriage, there is paradise on Earth.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’Education)

Ridicule is the favorite weapon of the vice. It is through her that by attacking hearts the respect we need to virtue in the background, he finally extinguished love is.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à M. d'Alembert)

We should tell the truth to those who are not ready to hear it, because is there wanting to replace the error.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

There are faces more beautiful than the mask covering them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Is any useful retail trade not honest?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

We are born, so to speak, twice: one to exist, and the other to live; one for the species and the other for sex.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

A gay man is often an unfortunate, that seeks to give the change to others, and to himself.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

What need to go hell in the afterlife? It is from this one in the heart of the wicked.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

True politeness is to mark the goodwill to men; It is painless when you have.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The art of season pleasures is that one to be stingy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Not being able of judgment children have no real memory.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Giving up his freedom is renounce its quality of man, the rights of humanity, even to his homework.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

Even in marriage, pleasure is legitimate only when desire is shared.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Of itself the people want always good; but by itself, it doesn't always.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

The sentence of death imposed on criminals may be considered closely under the same point of view: that's not being the victim of an assassin that one is willing to die if you become.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

Our passions are the main instruments of our conservation; It is a company that is as futile as ridiculous to want to destroy them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Men who are talking are not dot those with whom we converse.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

One who has nothing desires little; one who didn't order anyone has little ambition. But the superfluous arouses lust: more, the more you want.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Que l'état de guerre naît de l'état social)

If we must obey by force there is not need to obey by duty and if one is more forced to obey it is no longer required.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

Must not refuse to deny, but to assert that we grant.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Remorse falls asleep in front of a prosperous destiny, and to sour in the face of adversity.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Confessions)

Which address a woman doesn't have to make it him steals what she burns to give!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

It is especially in the loneliness you feel the advantage of living with someone who knows how to think.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

The peoples as well as men are docile in their youth, they become incorrigible in age.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

These are the small precautions that keep the great virtues.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Less a cult is reasonable, more one seeks to establish it by force.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Who wants to preserve his life at the expense of others must also give it to them when needed.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

One of the first care of the children is to discover the weak of those who govern.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

We did the blind love, because it has better eyes than we.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Beauty wears promptly by possession; After six weeks, she is nothing for the owner.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The only assets whose deprivation costs are those to which it is believed to be entitled.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Want the happiness of his wife, is - not getting it?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Always prevent desires is not art to please, but to turn them off.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

As the first step towards the good is not to hurt, the first step to happiness is not to suffer.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Human intelligence has its limits: and not only a man cannot know, may not even know all the little know other men.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The soul resists much more easily to the sharp pains to prolonged sadness.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

There is often more to stupidity than courage in apparent consistency.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Soul provides imperceptibly to the objects that occupy it, and these are the occasions that make great men.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur les sciences et les arts)

Poverty is not in the deprivation of things, but in the need that arises.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Lying is hiding a truth that must be manifest.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Governments who behave best are those we are talking about the least.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The violence of the woman is in her charms.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Nature has made man happy and good, but society depraves him and makes him miserable.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Consciousness is to the soul what the instinct is to the body; that follows obeyed nature and not afraid to stray.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The height is never enough hard to always be the master, if he transforms strength into right and obedience into duty.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The world of reality has its limits; the world of the imagination is without borders.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

It is to achieve the rest everyone works; It's laziness that makes laborious.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Essai sur l'origine des langues)

The State of reflection is an unnatural state and the man who meditates is a depraved animal...

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'inégalité)

I don't then persuade me that, for reason, be indispensably obliged to speak the last...

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à Monsieur Grimm)

These are almost always good misdirected feelings that make the children take the first step toward evil.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

Never it corrupts people, but often it is cheating.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

You forget that the fruits are at all and that the Earth is anyone.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'inégalité)

Temperance and work are the best doctors of the man.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Keep your soul in a State of desire always that there is a God and you don't ever doubt.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Everything is well out of the hands of the author of things, everything degenerates in the hands of the man.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The man who has the most lived is not one that counted the most years, but one that most felt life.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

When we want to honour the people, must be it in their own way, and not to ours.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Our first masters of philosophy are our feet, our hands, our eyes. Substitute books at all this, it's not we learn to reason, is we learn to use the right of others.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Should be given nothing to the senses when you want to deny them something.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

Dare I explain here the largest, most important, the most useful rule of all education? Is not stalling, it's to lose.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Climates, seasons, sounds, colors, dark, light, items, food, noise, silence, the movement, the rest, everything is on our machine, and our soul.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

Slaves lose everything in their irons, until the desire to get out.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

Fools who complain constantly of nature, learn all your headaches come you from you.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

If the Apostles and the evangelists had purely imagined a story as superhuman as the Christ, the inventors of such a story would be even more extraordinary than their hero!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The most difficult to confess things are not crimes, but ridiculous and shameful acts.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The riot that ended up strangling or dethrone a sultan is an also legal act than those by which he had the day before of the lives and property of his subjects.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'inégalité)

The savage lives in himself; sociable man always out of it don't know live in the opinions of others.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur les sciences et les arts)

Freedom is less to do his will to not be subjected to that of others.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'inégalité)

The more hesitant person to make a promise is one who will respect her with the most faith.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Generally, people who know little talk a lot, and people who know a lot talk little.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

It is in the nature of humans to patiently endure the nature of things, but not the unwillingness of others.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

People have long looked if there was a natural language common to all men; without doubt, there is a; and it is the children speak before speaking.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

In all the evils that come to us, we look at more intends to effect. A tile that falls from a roof can hurt us more, but don't hate us as a stone launched deliberately by a malicious hand.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

If I went in the world, I would always have a cup and ball in my pocket, and I play all day for me to speak when I have nothing to say.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Confessions)

Peoples once accustomed to masters no longer in condition to pass.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

All wickedness comes from weakness; the child is bad because it is low; make it strong, it will be good.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The sword use the scabbard, said sometimes. That's my story. My passions have made me live, and my passions have killed me.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

The truly free man wants what he can, and done what pleases him.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

My greatest misfortune was always can't resist fondling.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

Don't you know that you wouldn't take a step on Earth without finding any duty, and every man is useful to humanity by this alone that there is?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Unless, of course, a beautiful woman is an Angel, her husband is the most miserable of men.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

I too know the men to ignore that often the offense forgives, but that the offender will not forgive.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

It is important to first get used to be bad in bed; It's the way not find bad bed.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

It is always better to find yourself the things you would find in the books.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Are believed to assemble at the show, and that's where everyone is isolated; It is here that we'll forget his friends, neighbors, relatives, to focus on the weak.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I hate books; they learn to talk about what we don't know.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

It is never good when it is not in its place; and as soon as we get through, we no longer know how to re-enter.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I hope that one day we will judge of what I was by what I knew suffering.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I wish the men despite themselves.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Luxury is the wealth effect, or it makes them necessary; It corrupts both the rich and the poor, by possession, the other by lust.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

The head is the image of the father, the people is the image of children, and all were born equal and free don't alienate their freedom for their usefulness.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

The blood of one man is a bigger prize than the freedom of all mankind.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Children sometimes flatter the old people, but they don't ever like them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Used to return to myself made me finally lose the feeling and almost the remembrance of my headaches, I learned from my own experience that the source of true happiness is in us.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

A really happy man speak little; so to speak, it tightens the happiness around her heart.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Anyone who wants to be free is indeed.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

It is the strength and freedom that make great men. The weakness and slavery were doing never villains.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

We dishonor point a man who knows how to die.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

These are the occasions that make great men.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur les sciences et les arts)

The Scythe is capable of an infinite number of combinations; but the truth has a way of being.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur les sciences et les arts)

The only habit that must be caught to the child is not getting none.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

I live around the development of his great principle that nature has made man happy and good, but society depraves him and makes him miserable.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques)

The social order is not from nature; It is based on conventions.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Le contrat social)

The man is not to meditate, but to act.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Happiness is a constant state and human one be too mutable for suitable one to another.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

We're curious to proportion being educated.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Remove the pleasure to listen to our scientists, knowledge will be nothing for them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

These are our passions that make us weak, because it would take to settle them more forces that don't we gave the nature.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

When I saw more men, I stopped despise them; When I saw the wicked, I stopped hating them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

Everything is in a continual flux on the Earth. Nothing keeps a constant and fixed form, and our affections that attach to the external things pass and necessarily change as they.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Almost all men know their real interests, and are better for it.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We offer great examples to emulate, rather than a vain systems to follow.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Remember that the walls of the cities are formed by the debris of the houses in the fields.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du Contrat social)

The key is to be what we did nature; We're always too than men want to be.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

When I pay a debt that is a duty that I filled; When I make a donation it's a pleasure that I give myself.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

If the large number of beggars is costly to the State, how many other professions that we encourage and we tolerate can't we say the same!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

He should blush to a fault, not to fix it.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

In what they have in common, the two sexes are equal; in what they have different, they are not comparable.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

You can enjoy less than all that we get what we hope.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

The criticism is a very convenient thing: attack with a Word, it takes pages to defend himself.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The body is low, more it command; It is strong, the more he obeys.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The first step is not to do evil.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

If this is the reason that makes the man, it's the feeling which leads.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Each puts his being in the sound.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Everything is well out of the hands of nature.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in irons. Such thinks he master of others, which does not leave to be more slave than them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du contrat social)

The man shoots the although it made his heart, not his scholarship.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

We are more evil that others can make us.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

We never saw anyone repent of a good deed.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The woman observes and human reasoning.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The pleasure of having is not worth acquiring.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

He must have already learned a lot of things about what we don't know.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

Men say that life is short, and I see that they are trying to make it such.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Every man is useful to humanity by this alone there.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

There is no liability so perfect that one that keeps the appearance of freedom; We thus captivates even will.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

All our care to treat and feed these animals end up as abâtardir them.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(De l'inégalité parmi les hommes)

It is the abuse of our faculties that makes us miserable and wicked.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The real needs are never excessive.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse)

It is not so easy think to renounce virtue; She long torments those who abandon.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

When a man can believe what he finds absurd, is not his fault, it's his right.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Lettre à M. d'Alembert)

Who feels obliged to close our eyes to something see you soon forced to close on everything.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The accent is the soul of the speech, he gives her the feeling and truth.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Great men are deceived on their superiority; they see it, feel it, and are no less modest.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

A man should never be ashamed to admit he's wrong; because by this admission, he proves that he is wiser today than yesterday.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The kind of happiness that need me isn't so much to do what I want, to not do what I don't want.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Nature never deceives us; It's always us who are wrong.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

Women are not made to run; When they flee, it is to be achieved.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

In enslaving women to sad duties, was banished to the marriage everything that could make it pleasant to men.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Source inconnue)

The money we have is the instrument of freedom, that we're chasing is one of servitude.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les Confessions)

The fake charity of the rich is in him than a luxury; He feeds the poor such as dogs and horses.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(M. Moulton)

I always felt that the author State was, couldn't be illustrious and respectable only he wasn't a trade. To be able to tell great truths, should not depend on its success.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Les confessions)

To know the men, see them act.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Decrease so desires, it's as if you increase the forces.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

I am by my vices and free slave by my remorse.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The duty of an eternal loyalty only serves do the Adulterers.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l'inégalité)

It is in a sense studying the man we went out of State to meet him.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Discours sur l’inégalité)

Is it enough to be never wrong to be always innocent?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Who blushes is already guilty, the true innocence is ashamed of nothing.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

The laws are always useful to those who own and harmful to those who have nothing.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Du Contrat social)

I'd rather be man to paradoxes that man to prejudices.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Emile ou de l’éducation)

Youth is the time to study wisdom, old age is the time to practice it.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Rêveries du promeneur solitaire)

Want to know more about Jean-Jacques Rousseau ? Then you should probably take a look over here..
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It was then 18:40:38 (Paris time, France, planet Earth - Known Universe).
mandarin : 你的预感 | french : Mon Ange | english : My angel | mandarin : 拉兰德 | spanish : Una corazonada de ti | german : Neuigkeiten hinter der Scheibe. | english : To the wrath of the righteous | french : Une intuition de toi | french : Qui est Seth Messenger ? | mandarin : 正义的愤怒 | english : You would like to read more? | french : Mon nom est Pierre | french : Patience | english : A hunch of you | english : The Wait | german : Wer ist Seth Messenger? | german : Mein Engel | english : New beginning | german : Die Lande | spanish : Mi nombre es Peter | german : Auf die Wut des Gerechten | spanish : La Lande | french : Aux colères du juste | spanish : ¿Quién es Seth Messenger? | english : My name is Pierre | mandarin : 来自玻璃后面的消息 | spanish : Va a pasar cerca de ti. | french : Ca arrivera près de chez vous | spanish : Nuevo comienzo | german : Neuer Anfang | english : Who is Seth Messenger? | mandarin : 耐心 | english : The Moor | german : Geduld | spanish : Paciencia | english : It's going to happen near you | mandarin : 我的天使 | french : La Lande | spanish : A la ira de los justos | mandarin : 我叫彼得 | spanish : Noticias desde detrás del cristal | english : News from behind the glass | mandarin : 你想多读些吗? | german : Mein Name ist Pierre. | german : Möchten Sie mehr lesen? | french : Nouveau départ | spanish : Mi ángel | french : Vous aimeriez en lire d'avantage ? | german : Es wird in Ihrer Nähe passieren. | mandarin : 赛斯信使是谁? | french : Des nouvelles de derrière la vitre | spanish : ¿Le gustaría leer más? | german : Eine Ahnung von dir | mandarin : 它会发生在你附近。 | mandarin : 新开始 |

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