Seth Messenger : Montesquieu's quotes

Montesquieu said :

(Automatic translation)
The epigrams are small arrows untied, that make a wound deep and inaccessible to the remedies.

(Lettres persanes)

Men, knaves in details, are basically very honest people: they like morality.

(De l’esprit des lois)

They gave great authority to the fathers on their children. Nothing relieves more judges; nothing bare more courts; nothing, finally, no more peace spreading in a State.

(Les lettres persanes)

I was not angry to distracted: it made me hazarding of negligence that would have embarrassed me.

(Source inconnue)

In a well-ordered monarchy, the subjects are like fish in a large net, they feel free and yet they are taken.


All the husbands are ugly.

(Mes pensées)

He must first know latin. Then, forget it.

(Lettres persanes)

When death has equalized the fortunes, a funeral pump should not differentiate them.

(Source inconnue)

Justice is to measure worth and the fault, and the extreme justice is an insult.

(Source inconnue)

Any man who taunts may have mind; He wants to have even more than that joke. The evidence is in, if the latter, he is baffled.

(Source inconnue)

Today we have three different or contrary educations: those of our fathers, those of our masters of the world. What we are told in the last spill all the ideas of the first.

(L’esprit des lois)

The sky can only do the devotees; the princes are hypocrites.

(Source inconnue)

Nothing contributes more to mutual attachment than the ability to divorce: a husband and a wife are brought to patiently support the domestic penalties, knowing that they are the masters to finish.

(Lettres persanes)

It is the competition that put a price just to goods and establishes the true relations between them.

(De l’esprit des lois)

It's a thousand times easier to do good well done.

(L’esprit des lois)

Politics is a deaf file and which slowly comes to an end.

(L’esprit des lois)

The address is anything other than a just dispensation of the forces we have.

(Grandeur et décadence des romains)

Cleanliness is the image of the sharpness of the soul.

(Lettres persanes)

Merit console of all.

(Pensées diverses)

It takes a certain candour in the laws. Do to punish the wickedness of men, they must have themselves most innocence.

(De l'esprit des lois)

The Government is like all things of the world; love him to keep it.

(Source inconnue)

The laws are the necessary reports that derive from the nature of things.

(L'esprit des lois)

The Republic is a corpse; and its strength is more than the power of a few people and the license of all.

(Source inconnue)

Mediocrity is a safeguard.

(Source inconnue)

I always had policy to make ever by others what I could do by myself.


The ordinary effect of the colonies is to weaken the countries where it is pulled, without people those where we send them.

(Lettres persanes)

Espionage would be tolerable if he could be exercised by honest people.

(De l'esprit des lois)

Unhappy King who only has a head!

(Lettres persanes)

Once we were looking for armies to fight in a country. Now we're looking for countries to conduct combat armies.

(Réflexions sur la monarchie universelle en Europe)

The mockery is a speech in favour of his mind against his good nature.

(Pensées diverses)

The sadness comes from the loneliness of the heart.

(Source inconnue)

France: Let him do serious things seriously and cheerfully frivolous things.

(Source inconnue)

Love to read, is to make an exchange of the hours of boredom one must have in his life against delicious hours.

(Source inconnue)

An English gentleman is a man, in the morning, dressed as his valet; a french gentleman is a man who has a valet dressed like him.


The illicit conjunctions contribute little to the propagation of the species.

(De l'esprit des lois)

To be a man above humanity, it costs too much to all others.

(Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate)

Human justice, who sees that stocks, has a pact with the men, which is one of innocence; divine justice, which sees the thoughts, actually two, innocence, and repentance.

(De l'esprit des lois)

The greatest evil that a Minister is not to ruin his people, there are a thousand times more dangerous: it's the bad example he gives.

(Source inconnue)

A man who writes well does not write as we wrote, but as he writes, and it's often spoke badly to talk well.

(Mes pensées)

Morals and manners are uses that the laws have not established, or have not, or did not establish.

(De l'esprit des lois)

We are so blind that we know when we we grieve or rejoice: we have almost never that of false sadness or false joys.

(Lettres persanes)

The advantage of love on the debauchery, it's the multitude of pleasures.


The way to acquire the perfect righteousness is to be such a habit we're observing in the smallest things, and that is folded up to his way of thinking.

(Mes pensées)

I call prejudice, not what do we don't know certain things, but what makes known to oneself.

(De l’esprit des lois)

Freedom is the right to do what the laws allow.

(Source inconnue)

The will of the sovereign is the sovereign himself.

(Source inconnue)

The principle of monarchy is corrupts when singularly loose souls believe that what makes that one must at the prince makes that should nothing to his country.

(Source inconnue)

All men are beasts; the princes are animals which are not attached.

(Source inconnue)

Greek politicians recognize another force than that of virtue. Today speak you only of manufacturing, trade, finance, wealth and even luxury.

(Source inconnue)

The republics end up luxury. monarchies by poverty.

(De l'esprit des lois)

A religion that would provide safe rewards in the next life would disappear up his devotees to thousands.


The effect of the wealth of a country, it's to put ambition in all hearts. The effect of poverty is to be born of despair. The first becomes irritated by work; the other consoles himself by laziness.

(De l'esprit des lois)

Here's how I define the talent: a gift that God gave us in secret, and we disclose without knowing.

(Mes pensées)

Monarchical Government has a great advantage over the Republican: the business carried out by a single, there are more promptness in executing.

(L'esprit des lois)

We're usually master to give his children his knowledge; There is even more to give them his passions.

(L'Esprit des lois)

Men are like plants, which grow ever Fortunately, if they are well cultivated.

(Lettres persanes)

All judiciary, to compensate for the greatness of the power by the brevity of life.

(De l'esprit des lois)

The natural character of the French is composed of the qualities of the monkey and the dog setting.

(Mes pensées)

The laws are always the passions and prejudices of the legislature. Sometimes they pass through, and is there dye; Sometimes they stay there, and are incorporated.

(De l'esprit des lois)

All the political vices are not the moral vices, and all the moral vices aren't political vices.

(De l'esprit des lois)

When the laws of a State believed to suffer several religions, must be that they require to tolerate each other.

(De l'esprit des lois)

A religion that can tolerate others think little of its spread.

(De l'esprit des lois)

Born to mediocrity we are overwhelmed by the sublime spirits.

(Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate)

There is still no freedom if the power of judging is not separate the legislative power and the executor.

(De l'esprit des lois)

When a good thing has a drawback, it is usually prudent to remove the disadvantage that the thing.


Natural equity requires the degree of proof is proportionate to the size of the charge.

(Défense de l'esprit des lois)

A clever man feels that others do not know.

(Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits et les caractères)

Those that u p d a t e any new proposal are heretics called first.

(Lettres persanes)

In a nation that is in captivity, we work more to keep to acquire. In a free nation, we work more to acquire than to keep.

(Source inconnue)

Sometimes, it is good that the laws do not appear to go directly to the point that they propose.

(De l'esprit des lois)

This is not the spirit that makes the views, it is the heart.

(Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits et les caractères)

The great rewards in a monarchy and a Republic are a sign of their decay, because they prove that their principles are corrupt.

(De l'esprit des lois)

When you want to govern men, do not drive out them in front of you. They must be follow.

(Mes pensées)

All religions have had their mysteries, and it seems that, without it, there is point of religion.

(Mes pensées)

It is the capital which, above all, makes the customs of the peoples; It is Paris that makes the French.

(Mes pensées)

I love my homeland; I fear that the gods; I hope that virtue.


Must not make laws that can be make by the mores.


Should do nothing than reasonable; but he must be careful not to do all the things that are.

(Mes pensées)

Modesty sits well with everyone; but it must overcome it and never lose.

(Source inconnue)

Smaller companies often have the right to make war than large ones, because they are more often in the case of fear of being destroyed.

(De l’esprit des lois)

As soon as men in society, they lose the feeling of their weakness; equality between stops, or the State of war begins.

(L'esprit des lois)

Money is very valuable when we despise.

(Mes pensées)

If we knew well the price of a true friend, we would spend our lives looking for him.

(Eloge de la sincérité)

The men look too closely to see what they are. They are still themselves unfaithful witnesses and corrupt judges.

(L'homme de cour Eloge de la sincérité)

A husband who loves his wife is a man who does not have enough merit to be loved another.

(Source inconnue)

Children would perhaps be more expensive to their fathers, and vice versa the fathers to their children, without the title of heirs.

(Source inconnue)

Manners are always better citizens than laws.

(Source inconnue)

What always got me much hurt, it's that I always too despised ones I didn't.

(Source inconnue)

Fear adds to our troubles, as desires in addition to our pleasures.

(Mes pensées)

You should know the price of money: the Prodigals are unaware, and misers even less.

(Mes pensées)

Every man is capable of doing good to man; but it's looking like the gods than to contribute to the happiness of a society.

(Lettres persanes)

The love of democracy is that of equality.

(De l'esprit des lois)

I'm distracted. I only have memory in the heart.

(Mes pensées)

Unhappy condition of men! Is hardly the spirit arrived at the point of maturity, the body begins to weaken.

(Mes pensées)

It is a general rule, wherever there are soft customs there is trade, and everywhere where there is trade there are some sweet customs.

(Source inconnue)

It is a joy to be a great birth, is not a misfortune to be a mediocre; merit console everything.

(Source inconnue)

Freedom cannot be only to be able to do what one must want and be point forced to do what we should not want to.

(L’esprit des lois)

For good writing must jump intermediate ideas, enough to not be boring, not too much for fear of be not heard.

(Mes pensées)

Who executed the laws must be.

(Source inconnue)

Friendship is a contract whereby we will make small services to someone to make us in increasingly large.


Trade is the thing in the world that is most useful to the State.

(Source inconnue)

The history of trade is the communication of peoples.

(Source inconnue)

Ordinarily, the monarchy degenerates into the despotism of one; the aristocracy in the despotism of many; democracy in the despotism of the people.

(Source inconnue)

I like point God because I do not, nor the next because I know him.

(Source inconnue)

If the famine comes, the supreme law is the salvation of the people.

(Source inconnue)

A courtier is similar to those made for crawling plants that cling to anything they find.

(Source inconnue)

Gravity is the shield of the fools.

(Source inconnue)

We can't get into the spirit that God, who is a wise being, a soul, especially a good soul, in an all black body.

(De l'esprit des lois)

What is should be. What could not be.

(Source inconnue)

We must know the prejudices of his century, so don't shock them too, or follow them too.

(Source inconnue)

The gene of the command will tire like that of obedience.

(Source inconnue)

Conquests are easy to make because we make them with all his might: they are difficult to maintain because we do defend them only with a part of its forces.

(Source inconnue)

The main strength of religion comes from what believed: the strength of human laws of concern them.

(Source inconnue)

He must have studied a lot about little.

(Pensées diverses)

It must illuminate history by the laws and by history.

(De l’esprit des lois)

It is sometimes necessary to change some laws but the case is rare, and when he arrived, should touch it with a trembling hand.

(Source inconnue)

An hour of reading is the sovereign remedy against dislikes of life.

(Source inconnue)

Fear is a spring must be maintained; should never make harsh law when a more gentle enough.

(Source inconnue)

There is nothing so powerful as a Republic where there the laws not by fear but by passion as did Rome.

(Source inconnue)

Free nations are policed nations.

(Source inconnue)

A corrupt monarchy is not a State; It is a court.

(Source inconnue)

People often lose their fortune by ambition and are ruined by greed.

(Source inconnue)

Countries are not cultivated because of their fertility but because of their freedom.

(Source inconnue)

The France doesn't and will never be more mortal enemies than the exiled French.

(Source inconnue)

You do well to raise money for your life: we don't know what happens after death.

(Source inconnue)

In young women, beauty supplies in mind. In the old, the spirit makes up for the beauty.

(Source inconnue)

We measure the importance of a man to measure who claims.

(Source inconnue)

The best is the mortal enemy of the good.


The Jews, always exterminated and always reborn, have repaired their losses and their continual destruction by this one hope that have all families, to see born a powerful King among them who will be the master of the Earth.

(Source inconnue)

Plus a head is empty, more it seeks to be désemplir.


I believe that angels do not despise men that men will despise each other.


We don't want to die. Every man is a suite of ideas, we don't want to interrupt.


Prosperity more turns than adversity; It is that adversity will notify you and that prosperity is that we forget.


It's not the doctors that lack us, is the medicine.


Blame the unhappy people, even those who have deserved to be, when it would be because they deserved to be.


There are an infinite number of things where the least harm is the best.


Old books are for authors, the new for readers.

(Pensées diverses)

If the triangles were a God, they would give him three sides.

(Lettres persanes)

I like farmers, they are not enough scientists to think wrong.


When you run after the spirit, we get silliness.


An injustice to one is a threat to all.

(Source inconnue)

Education is to give us ideas, and good manners to put in proportion.

(Source inconnue)

The stubbornness to astrology is a proud extravagance. There is not up to the most miserable craftsman who believe that huge body that roll over his head are made only to announce to the world the time where he comes out of his shop.

(Mes Pensées)

Notice that most of the things that make us happy are unreasonable.

(Mes pensées)

It seems that there is no middle between excellent and the detestable.

(Mes pensées)

Must not lead the men the extreme ways.

(L'esprit des lois)

Properly of virtue in a Republic, and the monarchy of honor, it takes the fear in a despotic government; virtue is not necessary and the honor would be dangerous.

(Source inconnue)

Mathematical proposals are received as true because no one's interest that they are false.

(Mes pensées)

What is missing to the speakers in depth, they give in length.

(Mes pensées)

The third emperor of the twenty-first dynasty, who brought valuable stones found in a mine, made it close, not wanting to tire his people to work for something that could not feed him or clothe him.

(De l’esprit des lois)

It is very surprising that the riches of the church people have begun by the principle of poverty.

(Mes Pensées)

The reason why the fools usually succeed in their businesses, it's that not knowing and seeing never when they are unwelcome, they never stop. However, there is no man fool enough to know not to say: "give me that".

(Mes Pensées)

If physics had other inventions than powder and Greek fire, we'd very well to ban it like magic.

(Mes pensées)

More States perished because they violated the morals because they violated the laws.

(Source inconnue)

Do not put vinegar in his writings, we have to put salt.

(Mes Pensées)

People who have little business are great speakers: less we think, more talk.

(Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits)

Most of the contempt only as good as the contempt.

(Source inconnue)

Do not have a lot of spirit to show what we know; but it takes so much to teach what you don't know.

(Lettres persanes)

Religion is less a matter of sanctification as a subject of disputes that belongs to everyone.

(Lettres persanes)

I would like to banish the undertaker: he should weep for men at their birth, and not at their death.

(Lettres persanes)

The French almost never talk about their wives; It is that they are afraid to speak in front of people who know them better than they do.

(Lettres Persanes)

Truth in a time, in another error.

(Lettres persanes)

Generally all professions destroy the harmony of the ideas.

(Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits)

Ignorance is the mother of traditions.

(Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits)

God gave me good, and I gave myself superfluous.


We praise the people in proportion to the esteem they have for us.


It is a misfortune to be point loved; but it is an affront to be more.

(Lettres persanes)

What is not useful to the swarm, is point useful to the bee.


Freedom, this good who gets off on other goods.


I always saw that to succeed in the world, had to be crazy, be wise.


No we will never feel that the ridicule of others?

(Lettres persanes)

What cowardice feel discouraged of the happiness of others and be overwhelmed with their fortune.


Slavery in the conquest is a thing of accident.

(L'esprit des lois)

Seek to live in this life; It is not in this life to adapt to us.


The lions have a great strength, but it would be useless, if nature had not given them eyes.

(Source inconnue)

It's a boring disease as a health preserved by too large plan.

(Source inconnue)

It is believing that everyone goes to the common good, go to its special interests.

(Source inconnue)

There are so many vices that come from what we does not quite feel that what one feels too.

(Source inconnue)

So we can abuse the power, to stop that, by the arrangement of things, the power power.

(De l'esprit des lois)

An empire based on weapons needs to be supported by arms.

(Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains)

I have never had grief what an hour of reading has dissipated.

(Pensées diverses)

Europe is a State composed of several provinces.

(Source inconnue)

Gravity is the happiness of the fools.

(Source inconnue)

When there is more benefit to his court to do his duty in a Kingdom, all is lost.

(Source inconnue)

One thing is not fair because it is law; but it must be Bill because she's right.


Point, there is more cruel tyranny than there is in the shadow of laws and with the colors of justice.

(Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains)

It is a misfortune that there are too few intervals between the time where one is too young, and the time where one is too old.

(Mes Pensées)

The pious man and the atheist always speak of religion: one speaks of what he loves, and the other what he fears.

(L’Esprit des lois)

He would have to convince men of the happiness which they ignore, even when they enjoy.

(Mes pensées)

A man is unhappy because he has ambition, but because it is devoured.

(Sur l’homme)

If we didn't want to be happy, this would be done soon. But we want to be happier than others, and this is almost always difficult because we believe others happier that they are.

(Mes pensées)

A man who teaches becomes easily determined, because it makes the job of a man who is never wrong.

(Source inconnue)

To do great things, we should not be so great a genius; should not be above men, be with them.

(Sur l’homme)

Useless laws weaken the necessary laws.

(L’Esprit des lois)

Most of the men are more capable of great deeds that good.

(Mes pensées)

It is an everlasting experience that any man who has power is inclined to overdo it.

(De l’esprit des lois)

Conquests are easy to do, because we make them with all his might; they are difficult to keep, because we do defend them only with a part of its forces.

(Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains)

Males are extremely likely to hope and fear, and a religion that would neither hell nor paradise cannot not please them.

(De l’esprit des lois)

Men are born in equal but they would know remain.

(L’esprit des lois)

Want to know more about Montesquieu ? Then you should probably take a look over here..
The content of this page was last u p d a t ed on Saturday January 7, 2023.
It was then 18:44:30 (Paris time, France, planet Earth - Known Universe).
mandarin : 你的预感 | french : Mon Ange | english : My angel | mandarin : 拉兰德 | spanish : Una corazonada de ti | german : Neuigkeiten hinter der Scheibe. | english : To the wrath of the righteous | french : Une intuition de toi | french : Qui est Seth Messenger ? | mandarin : 正义的愤怒 | english : You would like to read more? | french : Mon nom est Pierre | french : Patience | english : A hunch of you | english : The Wait | german : Wer ist Seth Messenger? | german : Mein Engel | english : New beginning | german : Die Lande | spanish : Mi nombre es Peter | german : Auf die Wut des Gerechten | spanish : La Lande | french : Aux colères du juste | spanish : ¿Quién es Seth Messenger? | english : My name is Pierre | mandarin : 来自玻璃后面的消息 | spanish : Va a pasar cerca de ti. | french : Ca arrivera près de chez vous | spanish : Nuevo comienzo | german : Neuer Anfang | english : Who is Seth Messenger? | mandarin : 耐心 | english : The Moor | german : Geduld | spanish : Paciencia | english : It's going to happen near you | mandarin : 我的天使 | french : La Lande | spanish : A la ira de los justos | mandarin : 我叫彼得 | spanish : Noticias desde detrás del cristal | english : News from behind the glass | mandarin : 你想多读些吗? | german : Mein Name ist Pierre. | german : Möchten Sie mehr lesen? | french : Nouveau départ | spanish : Mi ángel | french : Vous aimeriez en lire d'avantage ? | german : Es wird in Ihrer Nähe passieren. | mandarin : 赛斯信使是谁? | french : Des nouvelles de derrière la vitre | spanish : ¿Le gustaría leer más? | german : Eine Ahnung von dir | mandarin : 它会发生在你附近。 | mandarin : 新开始 |

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